Sunday, April 22, 2012

Coaching Philosophy

Coaching is my opportunity to inspire and motivate young athletes throughout many aspects of life. Athletics does not only entail specific skill work and competition, it also teaches teamwork, responsibility, communication, and respect for one another. These are just a few qualities and characteristics that are learned through athletics and that can be incorporated into a classroom setting as well. Through coaching I am given the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences in the world of athletics amongst others. I believe that as a coach it is essential to promote team cohesiveness and to overall create a positive environment for my players and team.
There are numerous aspects of athletics that I value, however; they are dependent upon the age level as well as the skill level. As a coach, I believe that younger athletes around the ages of elementary school should focus on having fun and the creating an overall enthusiastic learning experience. At the early stages it is critical for young athletes to develop their skills and be involved as much as possible, which is why i believe equal playing time is necessary amongst young student athletes. However, when coaching a varsity program, I will focus more on skill development, social interaction, and winning in order for my players to be successful. As a coach, I will continue to emphasize three components amongst my team, including, character, civility, and citizenship. I believe student athletes should contain character and continue to be accountable, responsible, and dedicated to the program. They should also encompass civility, that way they consistently demonstrate respect and fairness to their teammates, myself as the coach, and themselves as well. The last component I will stress as a coach is citizenship, which I will promote through the values of teamwork, cooperation, and leadership. These three components will be the basis to our athletic program and will teach the students athletes more to life than just sports skills. 
As a coach, I will always be a positive role model to my athletes and the community. There is more to coaching then just teaching the basic fundamental skills, instead it is a coach’s responsibility to lead by example and demonstrate leadership at all times. Respect will be a huge factor to the success of my programs. Without respect from the athletes, parents, and community, it will be very hard to implement my knowledge and experiences accurately and efficiently. Forming relationships is also a tremendous part of coaching. Through the experience there will be many people who will help you along the way, including parents, athletic secretaries, the community, and most importantly, your players. Forming those strong relationships from the very beginning will have an incredible effect on the athletic programs instantly. 
As an athlete, I have realized that there are several different values and opinions when it comes to coaching. My dad has been an extremely successful coach for years and growing up he taught me the importance of dedication, commitment, and most importantly making connections with the players. Another coach and role model who I have looked up to has been my college lacrosse coach here at SUNY Cortland. She has shown me the true meaning of going the extra mile and doing whatever it takes to be successful. Through my father and my coach’s success as well as their mistakes, I will take in my experiences working with them and incorporate my own viewpoints and philosophies as a coach into them. One of the best pieces of advice I have received from them is to never be predictable, always change up your methods of teaching, continue to look for better answers and approaches, and always remember to take in the moment’s one at a time. 

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